Clarion Concerts


Clarion Concerts relies on the generosity of supporters like you to continue to offer our series of outstanding programs to audiences in the Hudson Valley region. Please consider making a donation today.

For tickets to any concert or for season tickets, please visit our Events page.


Our concerts are made possible by generous contributions from public and private organizations and, in part, by a Decentralization grant from NYSCA administered by Greene County Council on the Arts through the Community Arts Grant Fund. We welcome support by individual donors. Donations may be made securely online or by check payable to Clarion Concerts in Columbia County, Inc., P.O. Box 43, Copake, NY 12516.

Donors are recognized in our program playbill, as well as on our website, as contributors (less than $50), friends ($100), donors ($250), supporters ($500), patrons ($1,000), sponsors ($5,000), and benefactors (more than $5,000). Clarion Concerts in Columbia County is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax exempt as defined by law.